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Built-in ABS parts. Unique modular systems of embedded parts ensure the exact configuration of the design and color of the pool in exact accordance with customer requirements and are optimally designed for installation in concrete in Smart Styrofoam blocks. The components are suitable for installation in all types of pools - concrete pools, pools with an insert and prefabricated pools.

Models: M5 deluxe High75, M5 deluxe High47, De Luxe M5, De Luxe PT, etc.

All OCEAN products

The group "New Technologies" offers for review the products of the plant OCEAN: skimmers for swimming pools, underwater lights, system tiles, cleaning accessories, spare parts
  • Built-in ABS parts OCEAN
    Built-in ABS parts
    M5 deluxe High75, etc.
  • Built-in stainless steel parts OCEAN
    Built-in stainless steel parts
    High500, V4A PRO, etc.
  • Underwater lights and accessories OCEAN
    Underwater lights and accessories
    100 W, 50 W, etc.
  • Countercurrents OCEAN
    Jetstream, Swim jet Eco, etc.
  • System Tiles OCEAN
    System Tiles
    EPS 25, EPS 40, etc.
  • Pool cleaning Accessories OCEAN
    Pool cleaning Accessories
    De Luxe PP, Standard PP, etc.
  • Spare parts and equipment OCEAN
    Spare parts and equipment
    12 mm, 25 mm, etc.


OCEAN (Austria) produces additional equipment for swimming pools with manual or automatic functions. OCEAN products are designed for optimal and economical maintenance of swimming pools of various types.
  • development

    The unique modular systems of the built-in parts of OCEAN provide the exact configuration of the design and color of the pool in exact accordance with the customer's requirements and are optimally designed for installation in concrete.
  • application

    The choice of material and production technology is always carried out in accordance with strict environmental criteria. The mounting parts are suitable for installation in all types of swimming pools - concrete pools, pools with a liner.
  • quality

    All ABS products from the range of embedded components are resistant to chlorine, ultraviolet radiation, salt water and ozone and meet the most stringent standards and criteria.

Information Board OCEAN

Learn more about our products OCEAN.
  • Price list for products of the plant OCEAN
    Price list for products
  • production OCEAN Price List
    OCEAN Price List
  • supplier OCEAN Catalog (eng.)
    OCEAN Catalog (eng.)
  • Catalog for production OCEAN system bricks
    Catalog for OCEAN system bricks
  • brand OCEAN Questionnaire
    OCEAN Questionnaire


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